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Mike Zamarocy

MSIE6 uninstalled, now IE5.5 woes??? HELP

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Everything SEEMED to be ok after I uninstalled IE6 and reverted back to IE5.5 until now. When I try to print a web page, I get an Internet Explorer Script Error.


LINE: 539


ERROR: Invalid Argument


URL: res//C:\WINNT\system32\shdoclc.dll/preview.dlg


What went wrong????

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Fixed it, I HOPE. I found a link somewhere to reinstall IE5.5 completely, and now my printing is back! But on the NG's I see a LOT of woe stories about this and other problems! OUCH@!

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I had all kinds of stability problems when I tried to uninstall IE 6. So, I just went back to it. No problems since.

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I understand it's a beta, but if they give you the option to uninstall it, you should be able to go back to the final release ver. that you were using b4. Kinda sux, that I can't use themebar anymore....oh well.

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