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Outlook Attachments now won't work

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I upgraded my Office 2000 Premium with the latest service packs (1 and then 2) and I've not noticed that I cannot SAVE or OPEN an attachment.


When I try to save an attachment, the first funny thing I notice is that it doesn't list the name of the file (I have to type it in) and when I do type in the name and hit enter it says 'Outlook cannot save the URL to a file. Path does not exist. make sure that the path is correct'.


What ???


Firstly, I am trying to save a zip file (not a URL). Secondly the Path DOES exist.


I am using W2K and I have the latest Antivirus checkers/DAT files.


Finally, if I try to OPEN the file it then opens Explorer at the System32 folder (but doesn't seem to do a lot there).


Please Help !!




jez 8)

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I've now learnt that SP-2 is the culprit.


BUT I don't understand why;


a) it won't let me save a ZIP file (zip files aren't in the level 1 list)


B) it won't let me attach files which I would have thought safe to send.



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Check your mail. I sent you a program that will bring you an extra tab i Outlooks options there you can specify what files are safe.



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You've sent me a file called;


'Outlook AttachmentFix.rar'.


I don't know what to do with this file and no rar file extension exists on my machine.


Please could you send me some instructions !!





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Get hold of a copy of eitherWinRAR or WinAce which should both be able to handle the .rar compression format.




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Thanks Guys,


I've downloaded WinRAR, executed it and 'even' restarted my machine, but the problem still exists.


I have put zip;ZIP;.zip in the list of level 1 attachments to be removed and yet I still cannot save Toby's zip file attachment to my harddisk.


Sob sob...... :



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I thought Toby sent you a .RAR attachment. Did you open it up for that?

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If I where you I would reinstall Office. It only takes a couple of minutes instead of trying to repair wich can take a long time. And as you sayd, zip-files should not be blocked in the first place. But don't throw away the file I sent, it will be useful for unblocking .exe .com .bat and more once you got it working again.


Sorry it did not work, but I thoght it was worth a try...


(Clutch, I did send him a zip-file too, after spotting he got yahoo-mail I thought he could save it through the browser.)



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Cool. So what is this file that you sent? I have seen something for modifying permissions, but you have to use it in a public folder on your Exchange server.

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Hi Toby,


I think I'll have to leave it for now, it'll take more than a couple of minutes, I have to uninstall Office Premium and then reinstall it all over again (I don't know what that'd do to my favourites, my contacts, my current emails, my templates, etc etc).


I'm naffed off with Microsoft, why can't they a) make SP-2 removable, B) explain just a BIT clearer that these sorts of things will happen (not that I am sure that they ARE MEANT TO happen).


Now I cannot attach ANYTHING and send it via email.......


And I cannot save or open ANYTHING that I receive as an attachment via Outlook 2000.


Nice One Microsoft.

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Clutch, I have no experience of Exchange. I use this for my workstation at home for my pop-mail, but it works when I connect to work over VPN to check my Excange-mail as well. (If I take a guess everthing is allowed at work execpt .vbs).


What this app does is that it edits the registry and adds the values for you. (They always says I'm lazy, wonder why ;))




It creates i stringvalue there called "Level1Remove" and with the data "exe;bat;com" or whatever you want to be able to save.


The app gives you this in Outlook.


I can't remember where I got it, but download it here if you want it.



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That's pretty cool dude! It works great! I am glad this came up, since I figured there was no hope for me (I couldn't get the Exchange admin method to work yet).



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