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Updating to kernel 2.6.0 in Suse 9.0

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I would like to update the kernel to version 2.6, but I don't know where to put the updated files. I have heard that the kernel is generally in usr/src/linux, although that directory does not exist in Suse 9.0. Does anyone know where the kernel is located in Suse 9.0

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As a precaution, it may be a good idea to wait just a bit on upgrading to 2.6 since it is so new, because it may not work with your netgear pc card. smile

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/usr/src/linux isn't typically a directory itself, it's a symlink pointing to the directory the kernel source is actually in. It's set up this way because the standard way of identifying kernel source trees is to name the directory they're in after the full version of the kernel (for example linux-2.6.0-gentoo-r1) and since several programs compile against the kernel sources having a standard place for them to look eliminates the hassles of having to deal with an almost unlimited number of directory names.


If you're interested in moving to 2.6 it might pay to give this a read:




As it details what's changed, what's going to change and what's currently broken in the 2.6 kernel. Also, make sure you're running the latest version of module-init-tools (which is 0.9.15-pre4 at the time of writing) as you'll need them to be able to load modules in the new format.


Once you've made all the necessary preparations it's time to actually set up the source tree for compilation. Assuming you've already downloaded the source (and if not you can grab it fairly easily from http://www.kernel.org) open a terminal (you need to be root to do most of this btw so if you're logged in as a regular user use the 'su' command to temporarily elvate you to root priveliges), switch to /usr/src (which should exist as it's a standard location for unpacked source trees on Linux systems) and then unpack the source using the following command:


tar jxvf /patch/to/linux-2.6.0.tar.bz2


When that's finished you need to create the linux symlink so programs that need it can find your new kernel source. You do that using the command


ln -s linux-2.6.0 linux


At this point, the kernel source is fully installed.

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