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Local administrative access

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I am trying to set up NT Workstations so that the user can have the rights to modify anything on the local machine (install apps, edit registry, change drivers,etc.) like an administrator can. I do not want them to have admin rights on the network. Unless they log into the local machine as opposed to logging into the domain, I have not been able to implement this. Any ideas?


Thanks in advance.

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I had the same problem, I wanted some users to be able to burn CD's using Nero.... but for using Nero you must have administrator's rights, and that means logging as an admin! I have found no other mean to burn CD's under a user account than to use another burning program.... I don't know if the "Power User" has network capabilities, and, more important, their entity....probably you could investigate this. As for reducing the "power" of Local administrators, you have no way. They're Admins, Full Stop.

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usrmgr.exe (usermanager for domains) click, select domain - type in the host name of the machine - add the user to the administrators group..thatll make em member of the LOCAL admin group

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I have tried something like that. I made them an admin on the local machine, and instead of logging into the domain they log into the local machine. if their password and username are the same, they can access the network resources as users but the local machine as "local admins". the problem is the network login script does not run in this manner. I had to set a script on each individual machine to run and access the system's loginscrips. I really do not like this solution, but it seems like the only way to accomplish what I need. Thank you anyway for the help.

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What you need to do is log onto the workstation as the domain administrator or the Workstaion administrator, start user manager on the workstation, add the domain member who will be using the Workstation to the local administrator group. This will give the user adminstrative rights to the workstation but not to the domain controllers.




Brainbench ‘MVP’ for WinNT Workstation


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